WhatsApp Testing Global Voice Message Player for Desktop, New Media Visibility Option, Redesigned Caption Menu


WhatsApp has been apparently spotted testing a usefulness for its work area application that allows it to keep playing voice notes, in any event, when clients change to another talk. The element was first spotted for WhatsApp beta clients on iOS last month. The texting administration's vanishing messages include has been spotted with another usefulness that makes reference to while vanishing messages are turned on, clients can not save media. Moreover, WhatsApp has apparently overhauled its add an inscription menu while sharing media.

According to a report by WhatsApp highlights tracker WABetaInfo, Meta's texting administration is trying a component that allows clients to hold standing by listening to a voice note, in any event, when they have exchanged over to another talk. The application additionally shows a media bar at the lower part of the talk list through which clients can handle playback of the voice note. Close by, the media bar additionally shows an advancement bar demonstrating the length of the voice note left.

The new element is accessible with WhatsApp beta for work area 2.2204.5 yet is supposed to be accessible for certain clients on adaptation 2.2204.1 of the application. The element was spotted last month for WhatsApp for iOS beta 22.1.72 as the worldwide voice message player for certain clients.

WABetaInfo, in another report, specifies that in WhatsApp for Android beta it found secret references for an element that forestalls media being shown in the gadget display assuming the client has turned on vanishing messages. According to the report, when this element is broadly delivered, clients can not turn on Media Visibility because of security reasons. Notwithstanding, this doesn't mean that WhatsApp will tell or keep clients from taking screen captures in visits that have vanishing messages turned on.

One more report by WABetaInfo recommends that WhatsApp is trying an updated inscription menu while sending media. Moreover, the report additionally specifies that clients can now add beneficiaries while sending a media alongside transferring it as a status. This usefulness was at first spotted the year before. The new updated inscription menu is right now being worked on and may take some time before it is carried out.


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